Hazard Communication
Confined Space Entry
Electrical Safety
Chemical Handling
Fire Prevention
First Aid
Hazard Communication
Lifting Techniques
Slips, Trips and Falls
Personal Protective Equipment
* Eye Protection
* Foot Protection
* Hand Protection
* Hearing Conservation
* Respiratory Protection
Electrical Safety
Chemical Handling
Fire Prevention
First Aid
Hazard Communication
Lifting Techniques
Slips, Trips and Falls
Personal Protective Equipment
* Eye Protection
* Foot Protection
* Hand Protection
* Hearing Conservation
* Respiratory Protection
The hazards for chemicals used in the work place will be contained in information that the user has immediate access to. The hazard communication program incorporates container lableing, warnings, material safety data sheets and employee training. Labeling of chemicals allows the user to readily identify which chemical is being used and provides the initial information needed to facilitate cleanup in the event of a spill. Material safety data sheets provide additional health hazard information that includes composition, immediate action procedures, manufacturer information and treatment for unintentional exposure. CFR 1910.1200 address hazard communication.