Choking Hazards
Home Fire Prevention
Poisoning Prevention
Choking Hazards
Water/Pool Protection
Disaster Preparedness
* Emergency Supplies
* Stay at Home Kits
* Evacuation Kits
* Communication
Young children instinctively put objects in their mouths as a way to learn about the world. Children can be protected by limiting their exposure to harmful things that may lodge in their airway and cause choking. Supervision is key to minimizing exposure and removal of objects that cause choking in cribs, playpens and high chairs is critical. Curtain draw cords, small toys, jewlery, crayons, small batteries, coins, buttons, balloons, safety pins and hardware are some of things commonly found around the home that present choking hazards. Older siblings may also introduce these and other objects into a small childs environment when a parent is not providing direct supervision. First aid for conscious victims begins with assessment to determine if the child can speak, cough or breath, if they can do not begin medical treatment. For an infant incapable of doing the previous try four quick blows on the back. Follow with four thrusts by placing two fingers on the breast bone between the nipples. Push dowwn and leg go. Repeat until airway is clear. For children utilize the Heimlich manuever by standing behind the child with you fists clasped between the navel and bottom of the breast bone. Give four quick strong thrusts, in and upward. Repeat the process until the airway is clear.